Welcome to Bethel Baptist Church’s website, we are so glad that you have found us! Here is a quick view of us. We believe that the Bible is The Word of God, that Jesus Christ is The Son of God, and that salvation through faith in The Gospel of Christ is the only way to Heaven. We are a family-friendly, conservative, Independent Baptist church; with exciting, old-fashioned music and timeless preaching from God’s Word. We have a warm, safe nursery available for each service; and a fun, interactive Children’s Church for your kids, ages 12 and under, every Sunday morning. Our 7th-12th grade teens meet each Sunday evening for food and fellowship before our Family Service. Our Master Clubs program is for youth ages 3-12th grade and is scheduled on Wednesday nights throughout the school year. We also strive to have various special meetings and activities for all to enjoy. Like and follow our Facebook page for updates and coming events.
We would love to have you come to visit us in person. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. If you have yet to receive God’s free gift of salvation, we hope that we can help you to find “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” that we have found, in Jesus. Our prayer is that we can remain steadfast and that the Lord will “add to the church daily such as should be saved”. (Acts 2:42-47)